Radish - Triton Purple - Microgreens Seeds

Regular price Dhs. 16.00

  9 g / pack


6-10 days. This variety was developed specifically to produce reddish stems. Sprout stems are a colorful light purplish red with bright green cotyledons. And although the stems aren't as red as Hong Vit, Triton Purple has a tad more spice.

Radish - Triton Purple - Microgreens Seeds
Growing Directions:

Radish microgreens are fast and easy to grow and are substantial and very crunchy. Due to its fast growth, it can be harvested as early as 5 days, assuming you have exposed them to light on day 3. These radish microgreens are at their peak of crunchiness at about day 5 or 6. Once they grow larger they get more leafy and lose their crunch. You can flip the lid a day before exposing to light to strengthen the crop.


Latin Name: Raphanus sativus
Other Name(s):
Microgreen Color: red and white stems with bold green leaves
Microgreen Flavor: peppery
Microgreen Texture: crunchy, fresh
Nutrients: Vitamins A, C, E, and K, folic acid, niacin, potassium, iron, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc and carotenes


Growing Info

Presoak: 4-6 hours in cold water
Preferred Growing Medium: Hydroponic or Soil
Seeding Rate per 10"x 20" tray: 1.5 oz
Blackout Time: 2-3 days
Germination Time: 1-2 days
Estimated time to Harvest: 6-10 days



Radish microgreens are packed with health benefits, including:

  • Promoting heealthy eyesight
  • Help in preventing some cancrrs
  • Lessen the risk of heart-related diiseases

4 g - Approximately 500 seeds